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Risk Management

On-the-Job Personal Injury And Property Damage Program

Bowers Colonnade on UM campus.

Policy Statement – Policy 04:100 – Benefits and Leave

The University Police Department should be notified of all incidents resulting in on-the-job & personal injuries and property damage (regardless of the severity of the injury/damage), so that documentation of the incident can be recorded. Additionally, proper documentation of the injury by a physician must be provided to the University by the employee or his/her designee as soon as practical.

The Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act does not apply to employment with state agencies and institutions, such as the University. In accordance with State Law §16-1-18.1, Code of Alabama 1975, amended, University employees may be awarded paid leave and benefits for up to ninety (90) days when absences are subsequent to on-the-job-injuries. Such absences will not be charged against the employee’s accrued sick or vacation accrual; rather, absences related to a work-related injury should be recorded on the employee’s leave report or timesheet under the “OTJ” category. The 90-day day mandatory salary and benefit period may be extended on a case-by-case basis. Determining factors for the extension shall include, but not be limited to, the duties of the employee, severity of the injuries, and supporting medical documentation.

Benefits and Leave

The University Police Department should be notified of all incidents resulting in on-the-job & personal injuries and property damage (regardless of the severity of the injury/damage), so that documentation of the incident can be recorded. Unreimbursed (out-of-pocket) medical expenses and costs which an employee incurs as a result of an on-the-job injury may be filed with the State Board of Adjustment for reimbursement. Detailed procedures and required forms may be found on the Board of Adjustment website or the UM Human Resources website or by contacting the Human Resources office. The Director of Human Resources and Risk Management is designated to assist with on-the-job injury claims in accordance the Code of Alabama and Board of Adjustment regulations.

State of Alabama Board of Adjustment OJI Claim Form

State of Alabama Board of Adjustment Personal Injury Form

State of Alabama Board of Adjustment Property Damage Form

State of Alabama Board of Adjustment Mileage Form