Mallorie Currie:
Mallory is a senior double major in History and English with a minor in Creative Writing. Next year she hopes to get her Masters of Secondary Education. She can work with MLA and Turbian style papers as well as offer help with creative assignments.

Laura DeRocher:
Laura is a first-year graduate student in secondary education. She is new to the writing center this year, but during her time at UM she has worked as editor of The Tower literary magazine and a contributing writer and staff member of the newspaper. While accustomed to helping with research assignments, she enjoys helping with creative work or newspaper articles. She also has graphic design and layout experience that allows her to assist with presentations, resumes, and other graphically artistic genres.
Erin Green:
Erin is currently a 5th year senior (super senior) majoring in English and minoring in Philosophy. This year is his third year working at the Harbert Writing Center. He is best working with English papers, whether it be 101, 102, 231, 232 or upper level classes. While MLA style is his specialty, he enjoys assisting with papers in political science, philosophy, art, and non-class specific texts (personal statements, cover letters, research proposals).
Emily Holloway:
Emily is a senior English major. Her tutoring strengths include working with clients to develop ideas, revision strategies, and MLA formatting. Her other interests include research concerning Weird fiction and human rights literature.
Sam Orcutt:
Sam is a senior psychology major, concentrating in developmental psychology. Because of this major, she has extensive experience with APA style research papers. Sam’s research interests include health psychology, health education, and health policy and she is currently applying to graduate schools in this field.
Levi Pulford:
Levi is a second-year graduate student in English, graduate assistant for the writing center, and English 100 Instructor. Levi often works with students in ENG 101/102 composition courses but also frequently works with upper-level English students. He enjoys working with students in business, biology, chemistry, communication, and psychology and social work. Students wanting an extra set of eyes on a creative writing or professional document could also benefit from his expertise.
Kelli Sellers:
Kelli is a senior majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school to pursue an Alternative Master’s to teach middle/high school.
Sarah Stevens:
Sarah Stevens is a junior, majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. She is strongest in providing writing clarity exercises and assisting with MLA style guidelines. She also loves fiction and short stories, so she is always ready to assist with creative texts.
Katie Warren:
Katie is a senior English major, minoring in Professional Writing. She enjoys working with introductory-level English students on critical analysis, brainstorming, and MLA formatting. She aspires to become an editor and enjoys teaching students editing strategies.
Jessica Sullivan:
Jessica is a first-year English graduate student. She mainly works with creative writing, but she has experience with Chicago, AP, and MLA style papers.