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100-Level Courses

101 Introductory German I 3 credit hours (GE)
Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation.

102 Introductory German II 3 credit hours (GE)
Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Prerequisite: GER 101 or equivalent.

200-Level Courses

201 Intermediate German I 3 hours credits (GE)
Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills, stressing vocabulary, the idiom, and grammar, along with composition and conversation. Readings and discussions explore cross-cultural. Prerequisite: GER 102 or equivalent (see department chair).

202 Intermediate German II 3 hours credits (GE)
Continuation of GER 201. Prerequisite: GER 201 or equivalent (see department chair)