Group Tours
Please contact the Admissions Office at least two weeks prior to your visit. We will do our best to accommodate your date request; however, due to campus events and staffing limitations, we may need to consider alternate dates. Group tours are only offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00pm. Lunch in UM’s cafeteria is also available at the rate of $9.57 per person (tax-exempt groups) and $11.74 per person (non tax-exempt groups). If your group wishes to eat in the cafeteria, please indicate on the form below. All forms should be completed and sent back at least one week prior to your tour, along with your tax exempt certificate.
In order for the Admissions Office to give your group the best experience, we limit our group tour size to 50 students and ask that the students be at least middle school age.
Preparation and Arrival
- The campus visit will include a substantial amount of walking. Please encourage each student and/or guest to dress appropriately (comfortable clothing and shoes) and consider the weather for the day of your tour.
- Please arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled start time to allow your visitors to unload the bus and go to the restroom if needed. Please note that if your group arrives later than the scheduled time, your campus tour and/or information session could be shortened or canceled.