Falcon Family Update

August 2023 Newsletter

Move-In Day Tips
Falcon Family Day
Resources for Students
Important Information from the Office of Student Accounts
Alertus Mobile App
Important Dates to Remember

Move-In Day Tips

Be sure to sign your 9-month Housing Agreement before you arrive. This will help make the check-in process a lot quicker.

If you no longer plan to live on campus, please email the Housing Office at housing@shorinji-kempo.net to start the process to receive your $100 deposit.

Freshman Move-In Day is Friday, Aug. 18 between 8 a.m. and noon. All other students may move in beginning Saturday, Aug. 19. Please consider the following tips as you make plans for Move-In Day.

• Follow all traffic directions (detailed information will be sent to UM email address in August). UM police and staff are on hand to help make traffic flow smoothly.
• Have all of your student’s belongings in boxes or bags labeled with their name and room number. Volunteers will be on hand to help you carry the items to your student’s new room.
• Go directly to your student’s assigned hall.
• Once you have unloaded your belongings, please move your vehicle to a designated parking spot immediately! Other students also need to unload their items.
• For convenience, be sure student has signed the Housing Agreement to save time during the move-in process.

Items to bring with you:
• Mattress cover (standard size twin)
• Sheets, pillows and pillow cases (standard size twin)
• Blanket
• Comforter/bedspread (standard size twin)
• Towels, washcloths, toiletries (soap, shampoo, etc.)
• Shower curtain (Brooke, Lund, Ramsay, Peck and New)
• Waste basket
• Alarm clock
• Laundry bag/basket
• Laundry detergent/dryer sheets
• Flashlight
• Surge protector
• Cable cord to connect TV to cable outlet
• Water bottle

Other items you might find useful:
• Surge protector with long cord (Note: Extension cords are not allowed)
• Personal computer
• Printer (wireless printers do not connect to our network)
• Television
• Refrigerator (not exceeding 1.5 amps or 4.5 cubic feet). Note: There is a $25 one-time-per-year energy surcharge for each refrigerator
• Curtains: All windows have blinds. All rooms have at least one window. A few have more than one. Window dimensions are approximate:
o Brooke Hall – 43.5″ wide X 52.5″ tall
o College Park – bedroom 30” wide X 33.5” tall; Living room (2) 30” wide X 58” tall
o Main Hall – 48″ wide X 85″ tall
o Hanson Hall – 35″ wide X 72″ tall
o Napier Hall – 48″ wide X 60″ tall
o Lund Hall – 41″ wide X 54″ tall
o Peck Hall – 32″ or 64″ wide X 64″ tall
o Tutwiler Hall – 32″ wide X 72″ tall
o New Hall – Bedroom 33″ wide X 57″ tall; Living room (2) – 27″ wide X 57″ tall
o Ramsay Hall – 63 or 31.5” wide X 60.5” tall
• Coffee maker (sealed unit) with automatic cutoff
• Ironing board and iron
• Radio/stereo
• Study lamp
• Blow dryer/straightener
• Throw rugs
• Water filter pitcher
• Only loft beds rented from Collegiate Bed Loft (cblorder.com) are allowed. Collegiate Bed Loft will set up the loft prior to move-in for the fall term and will remove the loft after you move out. The University assumes no liability for injury or damage due to lofts. Information about ordering deadlines were included with your fall term room assignment letter.

Items that are NOT allowed:
• Electrical heating appliances such as space heaters, hot plates, electric blankets, air fryers, toasters (do not bring any appliance with an open coil or flame)
• Microwave ovens (except College Park, New Hall and Peck Hall)
• Pets (except fish, 10 gallon tank limit)
• Extension cords (any type) are NOT ALLOWED – you may bring surge protector
• Sun lamps or lava lamps
• Electric blankets or heating pads
• Candles/incense
• Individual a/c window units
• Loft if not rented from Collegiate Bed Loft

Note: Health and safety inspections will be conducted once a month.

Cable Television service is provided in all residence hall rooms. The cost for the service is included in the room charge.

Laundry rooms are conveniently located in the buildings. Machines are coinless, and the cost of the service is included in the room charge.

Information about the residence halls can be found on our webpage at shorinji-kempo.net/residence-halls.

Falcon Family Day

UM is excited to announce that Falcon Family Day will take place on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023. Family Day is the perfect time to reconnect with your student, explore where your student calls home and meet other families. Each person who registers for Family Day will receive a swag bag and dinner, and will have the opportunity to take part in scheduled events and self-guided opportunities to explore campus.

Falcon Family Day is open to families, friends and UM students. Registration is required to receive Family Day items including the swag bag and dinner. Online registration opens on Aug. 18, 2023 and will remain open until 5 p.m. CST on Oct. 1, 2023.

For more information about Falcon Family Day visit shorinji-kempo.net/falcon-family-day.

Resources for Students

Greetings, UM family! Whether you are the parent of a senior or a newly christened freshman, there is a certain amount of excitement that comes with the start of each new semester. This is the year that your student can make a new start or can continue to make great strides toward the career they seek. The University of Montevallo is dedicated to providing the support that will help your student succeed, and more information about this support is outlined below. We hope you remember these services when your student expresses a need during the semester. Unless otherwise noted, departments are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. More information can be found at shorinji-kempo.net.

Career Development Center — The Career Development Center provides help with job search skills or choosing a major. Career services include career assessments and employability skills training, information regarding full- and part-time jobs, information about on-campus interviews, internships, graduate school, career events and seminars on various career-related topics. Visit shorinji-kempo.net/career-development-center for more information.

Counseling Services — Students deal with a variety of issues when making the transition to college, and sometimes need the help of a counselor. By appointment, our staff provides counseling services including mental health screening and evaluation/assessment, as well as short-term personal, group and crisis intervention counseling. Referrals will be made for students with needs that fall outside the scope of our department’s practice. For more information, visit shorinji-kempo.net/counseling-services.

Disability Support Services — Students with physical, emotional and learning disabilities can work with the department of Access and Compliance to arrange accommodations. A variety of accommodations and services are available through AAC. Please contact the AAC office to make arrangements for documented needs. If your student has an injury that requires accommodations during the semester, you can contact AAC to help arrange for temporary parking and other types of accommodations. For more information, visit shorinji-kempo.net/disability-support-services.

Harbert Writing Center — The Harbert Writing Center offers free consultation services to writers at all stages of the writing process. HWC writing consultants are trained to assist members of the UM community with writing projects across the curriculum. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit shorinji-kempo.net/harbert-writing-center.

Housing and Residence Life — UM residence halls offer students an opportunity to share a spirit of community that enriches their collegiate experience. Research shows that living on campus during the freshman year is a positive factor in student success. For more information, visit shorinji-kempo.net/housing.

Learning Enrichment Center — The Learning Enrichment Center supports academic success by providing free services including individual and group tutoring, group study and academic needs assessment. Please call 205-665-6113 or visit shorinji-kempo.net/learning-enrichment-center for more information.

Public Safety — The UM Police Department is responsible for maintaining campus security and providing a safe environment for campus life. The department provides the University with a full-service public safety agency that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The department encourages prompt reporting of all crimes and suspicious activity to the University of Montevallo Police Department. Please feel free to contact UMPD at 205-665-6155 with any questions about services it provides.

Student Health Services — Where does your student go when they are sick at school? Student Health Services provides direct, basic care and health assessments to students and serves as a referral source for students needing care beyond that available on campus. Most services are covered by the undergraduate health fee. For more information, visit shorinji-kempo.net/student-health-services.

Student Life — Getting involved in extracurricular activities is one way your student can expand his or her academic experience beyond the classroom. With more than 90 student organizations to choose from, there is something for everyone. For more information, visit shorinji-kempo.net/student-life.


The University of Montevallo utilizes a state-of-the-art, rapid alert system called UMAlert. This system provides members of the UM community with the most advanced rapid communication program currently available for schools.

UMAlert enhances the timeliness of UM’s emergency communications and provides the University with a convenient and effective tool for informing students, faculty and staff of human or natural threats. 

Through UMAlert, members of the University community, whether on campus or not, can be notified within moments of an urgent event. Emergency messages can be sent via telephone (landline and cell), voicemail, text messaging and email.

New user accounts are automatically registered twice a month (on the first and third Wednesdays). Students may add parent emails/phone numbers as needed to their UMAlert contact list if they would like their parents to receive the alerts. To log in, go to myschoolcast.com/go/um and use your official UM username and password.

If you have any questions or login issues, or if you have forgotten your login information, please email umalert@shorinji-kempo.net.   

Important Information from the Office of Student Accounts

The mission of the University of Montevallo’s Office of Student Accounts is to assist Montevallo students and families in understanding their financial obligations related to attendance at the University. For some, the responsibilities of college can be overwhelming. These responsibilities may include bill payment, registration dates and knowing school policies. Please look below for answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Where is the Office of Student Accounts located? Our office is located on the second floor of Palmer Hall.

Where can I find out my student’s account balance? Log into Banner Self-Service (link to Banner Self-Service is located at the bottom of the shorinji-kempo.net homepage). Choose Student, then Student Account. To see the current account balance, choose student account summary by specific term or account detail by specific term while making sure to select the current term from the pulldown box on the next page.

What are my payment options at UM?

  • Make payment in full by the published payment deadline date (first day of class by 5 p.m.)
  • Enroll in a payment plan (fall and spring semesters only). Visit our webpage at shorinji-kempo.net/payment-plan-information for more information about payment plan options currently available at UM.
  • If using financial aid, make sure the amounts you have been awarded are adequate to fulfill the balance owed on your account. IF a balance remains after your aid credits, the remaining balance must be paid by the published payment deadline date.
  • Late Payment Fee: A $50 late fee will be charged if payment is not made or loans are not applied to the student’s account by the payment deadline.

How do I make my payment?

  • Payments to a student’s account may be made online using American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa or electronic check. Go to shorinji-kempo.net and select the Banner Self-Service link at the bottom of the page. You will need your username and password. Parents can also make payments on the student account if the student has set them up as an authorized user through the student e-payment portal (click the Parent Portal link on the navigation bar to the left for more information).
  • In-person at the Office of Student Accounts window on the second floor of Palmer Hall; 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • The Office of Student Accounts does not accept credit card payments over the phone due to security and privacy reasons.
  • Mail checks (please include Student ID number on check) to:
    University of Montevallo
    Office of Student Accounts
    Station 6065
    Montevallo, AL 35115

When are billing statements sent? UM no longer mails out paper bills to students. All students are sent an electronic bill (e-bill) to their University-assigned email address once a month regardless of their account balance.

I’m the parent of a student and I pay the bills. Why can’t you talk to me directly about my student’s financial matters? The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that we have written permission from the student to disclose any part of the student’s educational records which, by law, is confidential. Information concerning this federal law can be found at http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html. Your student can establish you as an authorized person by going to the Registrar’s Office on the second floor of Palmer Hall to fill out the release form or by visiting shorinji-kempo.net/record-release-authorization to fill out the form online. Once this form is on file, the Office of Student Accounts will be able to answer your questions regarding your student’s financial matters.

Contact Information:          
University of Montevallo
Office of Student Accounts
Station 6065
Montevallo, AL 35115
Phone: 205-665-6065
Fax: 205-665-6078
Email: cashier@shorinji-kempo.net

Alertus Mobile App

The Alertus Mobile Recipient App offers a panic button feature that allows users to request help by sending geo-targeted incident reports directly to the University of Montevallo Police Department (UMPD). The reports are received and handled by the University Police. For more information about the Alertus App and for set up instructions, download the Alertus Mobile App Instructions.

Important Dates to Remember

Aug. 18                    New Student Move-In Day/late registration for fall 2023
Aug. 19-20               Returning students move-in
Aug. 21                    Fall 2023 classes begin/payment deadline
Aug. 21-25               Fall 2023 drop/add period
Aug. 23-Sept. 8       Room Change Days for residence halls
Aug. 25                    Fall 2023 last day for refund for dropped fall course/s
Sept. 4                      Labor Day Holiday (University closed)
Oct. 9                       Fall 2023 mid-semester week begins
Oct. 12                     Founders’ Day
Oct. 16                     Last day for course/semester withdrawal for fall
Oct. 30                     Spring/summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled graduate students
Nov. 1                      Spring/summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled undergraduate students
Nov. 22                    Halls close at 8 a.m. for the Thanksgiving holidays except for Brooke Hall, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall
Nov. 22-24               Thanksgiving holidays (University closed)
Nov. 26                    Halls reopen at 2 p.m.
Nov. 27                    Classes resume from Thanksgiving holidays
Nov 30 & Dec. 1     Classes meet as scheduled; however, no exams or quizzes may be administered and no other graded assignments may be due
Dec. 4-8                   Final exams
Dec. 8                      Fall commencement/residence halls close at 5 p.m. (7 p.m. for graduates) – except Brooke Hall, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall
Dec. 15                    Winter holidays begin at 5 p.m. (University closed – will reopen 1/3/24)
Jan. 5                      Residence halls open for spring semester at 8 a.m.
Jan. 8                      Classes begin for spring semester