Falcon Family Update

June 2023 Newsletter

Move-In Day Tips
Campus Parking
Student Health Services
Important Dates to Remember

Move-In Day Tips

Be sure to sign your 9-month Housing Agreement before you arrive. This will help make the check-in process a lot quicker.

If you no longer plan to live on campus, please email the Housing Office at housing@montevallo.edu to start the process to receive your $100 deposit.

Freshman Move-In Day is Friday, Aug. 18 between 8 a.m. and noon. All other students may move in beginning Saturday, Aug. 19. Please consider the following tips as you make plans for Move-In Day.

• Follow all traffic directions (detailed information will be sent to UM email address in August). UM police and staff are on hand to help make traffic flow smoothly.
• Have all of your student’s belongings in boxes or bags labeled with their name and room number. Volunteers will be on hand to help you carry the items to your student’s new room.
• Go directly to your student’s assigned hall.
• Once you have unloaded your belongings, please move your vehicle to a designated parking spot immediately! Other students also need to unload their items.
• For convenience, be sure student has signed the Housing Agreement to save time during the move-in process.

Items to bring with you:
• Mattress cover (standard size twin)
• Sheets, pillows and pillow cases (standard size twin)
• Blanket
• Comforter/bedspread (standard size twin)
• Towels, washcloths, toiletries (soap, shampoo, etc.)
• Shower curtain (Brooke, Lund, Ramsay, Peck and New)
• Waste basket
• Alarm clock
• Laundry bag/basket
• Laundry detergent/dryer sheets
• Flashlight
• Surge protector
• Cable cord to connect TV to cable outlet
• Water bottle

Other items you might find useful:
• Surge protector with long cord (Note: Extension cords are not allowed)
• Personal computer
• Printer (wireless printers do not connect to our network)
• Television
• Refrigerator (not exceeding 1.5 amps or 4.5 cubic feet). Note: There is a $25 one-time-per-year energy surcharge for each refrigerator
• Curtains: All windows have blinds. All rooms have at least one window. A few have more than one. Window dimensions are approximate:
    o Brooke Hall – 43.5″ wide X 52.5″ tall
    o College Park – bedroom 30” wide X 33.5” tall; Living room (2) 30” wide X 58” tall
    o Main Hall – 48″ wide X 85″ tall
    o Hanson Hall – 35″ wide X 72″ tall
    o Napier Hall – 48″ wide X 60″ tall
    o Lund Hall – 41″ wide X 54″ tall
    o Peck Hall – 32″ or 64″ wide X 64″ tall
    o Tutwiler Hall – 32″ wide X 72″ tall
    o New Hall – Bedroom 33″ wide X 57″ tall; Living room (2) – 27″ wide X 57″ tall
    o Ramsay Hall – 63 or 31.5” wide X 60.5” tall
• Coffee maker (sealed unit) with automatic cutoff
• Ironing board and iron
• Radio/stereo
• Study lamp
• Blow dryer/straightener
• Throw rugs
• Water filter pitcher
• Only loft beds rented from Collegiate Bed Loft (cblorder.com) are allowed. Collegiate Bed Loft will set up the loft prior to move-in for the fall term and will remove the loft after you move out. The University assumes no liability for injury or damage due to lofts. Information about ordering deadlines were included with your fall term room assignment letter.

Items that are NOT allowed:
• Electrical heating appliances such as space heaters, hot plates, electric blankets, air fryers, toasters (do not bring any appliance with an open coil or flame)
• Microwave ovens (except College Park, New Hall and Peck Hall)
• Pets (except fish, 10 gallon tank limit)
• Extension cords (any type) are NOT ALLOWED – you may bring surge protector
• Sun lamps or lava lamps
• Electric blankets or heating pads
• Candles/incense
• Individual a/c window units
• Loft if not rented from Collegiate Bed Loft

Note: Health and safety inspections will be conducted once a month.

Cable Television service is provided in all residence hall rooms. The cost for the service is included in the room charge.

Laundry rooms are conveniently located in the buildings. Machines are coinless, and the cost of the service is included in the room charge.

Information about the residence halls can be found on our webpage at shorinji-kempo.net/residence-halls.

Campus Parking

The University of Montevallo parking permit is valid from May 2023 until May 2024.

General Information
1. Vehicle registration is a web-only procedure.
2. You should purchase one parking decal per vehicle registered.
3. Parking decals are $35 each.
4. Please DO NOT come to the University Police Department to pick up your parking decal. Decals will be processed as follows:
     A. Commuter Students: Decal will be sent to the mailing address you supply when you register for your decal.
     B. Residential Students: Decal will be mailed to your UM mailbox located in Farmer Hall. You will not have access to this box until you move onto campus.
     C. Disability Permits: You must register your vehicle for a University parking decal first, whether you are a commuter or resident. Once you receive your decal, take it to the Access and Compliance (AAC) Office along with your state issued disability parking placard paperwork. AAC will swap the decals out and issue a disability permit.

Vehicle Registration Instructions
1. Use a computer that is connected to a working printer.
2. From shorinji-kempo.net, click on Current Students.
3. Click on Banner Self-Service and log in using your M# and PIN.
4. Click on Student.
5. Find and click the Bosscars Parking Decal link.
6. Open the Register Permit/Vehicle tab and follow the instructions on each page.
7. You may register more than one vehicle. However, you must register each vehicle separately (one at a time). An additional $35 charge will be assessed for each permit.
8. Print the confirmation page.
9. The confirmation page serves as your temporary parking permit.
10. Only display your temporary permit while parking on campus.
11. Place decal in the front lower passenger-side windshield of your vehicle (right side if sitting inside your vehicle).
12. If you haven’t received your parking decal by the date listed on your temporary permit, contact UMPD. Note: Residential students will need to wait until they move onto campus to receive their decal since it will be mailed to their UM mailbox in Farmer Hall.
13. The temporary permit is valid from the moment you register your vehicle until Sept. 2. After Sept. 2, the temporary permit is only valid for 14 days from the date you register your vehicle.
14. Any vehicle that parks on University property must have a UM parking permit.

Disabled Parking Permit Registration — Faculty/staff and students who have state disabled parking placards or license plates must have University-issued disabled parking permits to park in Blue Zone parking spaces. In order to be issued a blue UM disabled parking permit, you must purchase your UM parking permit and turn it in to the Access and Compliance (AAC) Office (located in Main Hall) along with a receipt or registration for your state placard/license plate.

Temporary Parking Permits are for short-term use in the event that your University-registered vehicle is being repaired or if your parking permit is temporarily misplaced or forgotten. These may be obtained at UM Police Dispatch Office, located in the Physical Plant, 24 hours a day/seven days a week. Guests must also register their vehicle through the UM Police Dispatch Office to receive a temporary permit.

Other Responsibilities of Registrants — The person to whom the parking permit is registered will be responsible for any violations pertaining to that parking permit, regardless of who is operating or owns the vehicle. Replacement of lost, stolen or destroyed parking permits will be at the expense of the registrant for $35.

Student Permit Placement — Upon registration, commuter and resident student drivers will be issued a decal (sticker) parking permit. These parking permits are to be affixed to the inside front windshield, on the lower passenger side. Decal permits should not be taped but properly attached to the windshield, in full view from the front of your vehicle. Failure to comply may result in parking privileges being revoked.

Campus Parking Zones — Responsibility for finding an authorized parking space rests with the operator of each vehicle. The lack of parking spaces in a certain area or inclement weather is not a valid excuse for violation of University parking regulations. By matching the color of the parking permit with the color of the parking space (see list below), surface striping or signs in the parking areas, drivers will ensure adequate parking for all and avoid receiving tickets for parking in unauthorized areas. 20-minute parking spaces on campus are enforced 24 hours a day/seven days a week.

Parking Zone Colors & Permit Types
RED zone — Commuter students
GREEN zone — Residence hall students
WHITE zone — Faculty/staff
BLUE zone — Persons with disabilities
YELLOW zone — Overflow/all permits (parking spaces only, not curbs)

For questions regarding UM parking permits or parking regulations, please call the UM Police Department at 205-665-6155 or visit shorinji-kempo.net/public-safety.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services (SHS) is an on-campus clinic that provides direct, basic medical care to all registered undergraduate students. Parents often have questions about the services made available by this department. In an attempt to answer these questions, the information requested most frequently is provided below.

Question: Will my student have to pay a fee if they make an appointment? No fees are collected. Tuition and fees cover unlimited visits to SHS. When deemed necessary by SHS staff, a student may be referred to the local supervising physician, Dr. Jonathan Merkle, for further evaluation. Depending on the reason for the referral, this visit may also be covered by UM, or the student’s health insurance may be utilized and a copay may be required. Expenses incurred beyond that provided by the University are the responsibility of the student.

Question: What services are provided in Student Health Services?  SHS provides basic medical care for minor illness and injury, including common colds, urinary tract infections and seasonal allergies. They provide off-campus referrals when students require services that SHS does not have available (such as labs, x-rays, etc.). The department is staffed by a physician’s assistant and a registered nurse. The physician’s assistant, practicing under the direction of the local physician, can write prescriptions for select medications, such as antibiotics. When prescribed, some antibiotics can be purchased in the clinic. Controlled substances (such as medications for ADHD, anxiety and pain) are not available through SHS.

Question: How does my student go about using this service? It is preferred that your student call 205-665-6275 to make an appointment. This cuts down on wait time and exposure to other illnesses. SHS is located in Main Hall, east wing.

Question: What about health insurance? If your student is a U.S. resident, he/she can stay on a parent’s plan until the age of 26. This is assuming your employer offers a family plan. If you do not have insurance, your student can go year-round to HealthCare.gov or call the Health Insurance Marketplace call center at 1-800-318-2596 to learn more. TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325. No one can be turned away from the Marketplace based on pre-existing conditions — it is guaranteed, and most people will get help paying for premiums or get a free or low-cost plan. When you fill out a Marketplace application, you’ll find out if you qualify for coverage through Medicaid. Medicaid is a combined state and federal program that provides coverage to people with limited income. (CMS Product No. 11805, May 2014)

Question: What are some suggested over-the-counter medications that my student should bring for medical self-care?

  • Fever or pain relief: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
  • Upset stomach, diarrhea: Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Imodium
  • Cold and sinus medication: Dayquil, Nyquil, Sudafed, Mucinex
  • Allergy medication, if needed: Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl
  • Prescription medication(s) or inhalers in original containers
  • Thermometer
  • Basic first aid supplies: Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream, etc.
  • Ace wrap or joint braces, if needed regularly
  • For more details, see PDF titled “Taking Care of Yourself in College” on our webpage.

Question: What medical documentation does my student need to turn in before arriving at UM? The “Incoming Student Medical Form” is available on our webpage and must be completed online by the student prior to the first day of class. It is self-completed and requires proof of measles immunity (2 dates of MMR vaccine) uploaded and attached to the form. Even though COVID-19, influenza, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Meningitis vaccines are not required, they are strongly recommended. Copies of these vaccine records can also be attached to the form to be added to the student’s confidential electronic medical record. The form also includes a Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Questionnaire. A TB test is not required unless the student is determined to be at risk. If required, the student will be contacted by Health Services.

Visit the Student Health Services webpage for required forms and for more information at shorinji-kempo.net/student-health-services.

Important Dates to Remember

July 3                       Summer Combined Term 2023 Mid-term week begins
July 4                       Independence Day Holiday (University closed)
July 7                       Summer Combined Term 2023 last day for course or term withdrawal
July 10                     Summer II 2023 classes begin
July 10-11                Summer II 2023 drop/add period
July 21                     Summer II mid-term
July 11                     Summer II 2023 last day for refund for dropped course/s
July 24                     Summer II 2023 last day for course or term withdrawal
Aug. 4                      Full Summer Term, Combined Term and Summer II Term 2023 final exams
Aug. 18                    New Student Move-In Day/late registration for fall 2023
Aug. 19-20               Returning students move-in
Aug. 21                    Fall 2023 classes begin/payment deadline
Aug. 21-25               Fall 2023 drop/add period
Aug. 25                    Fall 2023 last day for refund for dropped fall course/s
Sept. 4                      Labor Day Holiday (University closed)
Oct. 9                       Fall 2023 mid-semester week begins
Oct. 12                     Founders’ Day
Oct. 16                     Last day for course/semester withdrawal for fall
Oct. 30                     Spring/summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled graduate students
Nov. 1                      Spring/summer 2024 registration begins for currently enrolled undergraduate students
Nov. 22                    Halls close at 8 a.m. for the Thanksgiving holidays except for Brooke Hall, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall
Nov. 22-24               Thanksgiving holidays (University closed)
Nov. 26                    Halls reopen at 2 p.m.
Nov. 27                    Classes resume from Thanksgiving holidays
Nov 30 & Dec. 1     Classes meet as scheduled; however, no exams or quizzes may be administered and no other graded assignments may be due
Dec. 4-8                   Final exams for fall
Dec. 8                       Fall commencement/halls close at 5 p.m. for students not graduating and 7 p.m. for graduates (except Brooke Hall, College Park, Lund Hall and Peck Hall)
Dec. 15                     Winter holidays begin at 5 p.m. (University closed – will reopen 1/3/24)